Inverting Intervals and Chords
What is an interval?
To invert an interval, you take an interval and switch the order of the notes. In other words, if you have a low note and a high note, you can take the low note and play it an octave higher, and it will now be the high note.
Doing this introduces a large number of very interesting relationships. Let’s start with an example using the C major scale. Below, the C major scale is diagrammed, highlighting the E (a Major 3rd).
C to E is a third, and seeing as we are using the major scale, it is more specifically a major third. But what happens when we play E to C? We get a minor sixth in that case.
Press Play to Hear the Interval
C to E is a Major 3rd
Press Play to Hear the Interval
E to C is a minor 6th
Our major third became a minor sixth.
All major thirds become minor sixths. In fact, all intervals have a kind of partner. This partner is the interval that results from an inversion.
Major ↔️ Minor
All Major intervals, when inverted, become minor. Similarly, all minor intervals when inverted become Major.
Perfect ↔️ Perfect
All perfect intervals remain perfect when inverted.
Augmented ↔️ Diminished
All Augmented intervals, when inverted, become diminished. Similarly, all diminished intervals when inverted become Augmented.
2nd ↔️ 7th
All 2nds, when inverted, become 7ths. Similarly, all 7ths when inverted become 2nds.
3rd ↔️ 6th
All 3rds, when inverted, become 6ths. Similarly, all 6ths when inverted become 3rds.
4th ↔️ 5th
All 4ths, when inverted, become 5ths. Similarly, all 5ths when inverted become 4ths.
Ones become octaves, twos become sevens, threes become sixes, and fours become fives. It is very important to remember that these inversions work both ways. In other words, sixes become threes, fives become fours and so forth. Major will always become minor, and vice versa. Perfect will stay the same. Diminished will become augmented, and vice versa.
Let’s test these relationships.
First, let's invert a perfect 5th from A.
Press Play to Hear the Interval
A to E is a Perfect 5th
Press Play to Hear the Interval
E to A is a Perfect 4th
Let’s use a different root.
Let's invert a 5th from G.
Press Play to Hear the Interval
G to D is a Perfect 5th
Press Play to Hear the Interval
D to G is a Perfect 4th
Let’s use a different root.
Let's invert a 2nd from F.
Press Play to Hear the Interval
F to G is a Major 2nd
Press Play to Hear the Interval
G to F is a minor 7th
Let’s use a different root.
Let's invert a 2nd from B.
Press Play to Hear the Interval
B to C is a minor 2nd
Press Play to Hear the Interval
C to B is a Major 7th
Next, let’s examine inverted chords.
Before we go in depth, however, we must examine something called figured bass. Figured bass is an extension to the Roman numerals that you’ve already encountered.
Here is an example of figured bass: i6. This would represent an inverted one chord in minor. But what does the number six really mean? It means that there is an interval of a sixth above the bass note.
The bass note is the lowest sounding note of the chord. Let’s look at a basic one chord in the key of E minor, then look at a one chord in first inversion. The root note will be colored red.
There is an interval of a sixth above the bass note, which in this case is a G. This inversion is called first inversion.
Let’s examine second inversion.
For the sake of space, notice that this diagram STARTS on the fifth scale degree. This is for presentation only.
Let’s examine a seventh chord, then invert it.
Chapter nine is going to describe types of chords that you have not yet encountered. One of these is the seventh chord. The seventh chord is comprised of four notes. Chords that have four notes can be inverted one more time yet.
Below you will find a diagram of a seventh chord in root position, the noninverted form, as well as third inversion.
Third inversion can be written as i6/4/2, or abbreviated as i2. Also note that first and second inversion will have different numbers involved if a seventh is in the chord. They go as follows: i6/5/3 for first inversion, and i6/4/3 for second inversion. Don’t worry about doing an exercise for this one yet; you’ll have plenty of opportunity to try this inversion in the chapters to come.